Spiders are one of the most feared pests that commonly infest homes and businesses because of their appearance and the speed with which they travel. They vary in color and size according to their species. Spiders have eight legs and many have eight eyes. They primarily feed on other insects and are elusive around humans and bigger animals. Spiders prefer to hide in secluded areas such as in the corners of rooms, basements, attics and underneath furniture. They tend to enter buildings to escape extreme weather conditions and to build nests in which to ensnare prey. Depending on the species, they may be poisonous and therefore dangerous to humans. Some common species of spider include:
Garden Spiders
These spiders have a white head with yellow and black markings on their abdomens. They typically build their webs in tall grasses or in empty areas of basements or garages.
Wolf Spiders
These hair spiders create burrows from which to scout out prey before attacking. Wolf spiders do bite humans if provoked but they are not poisonous.
House Spiders
The most common species of spider found in homes and businesses, the house spider is yellow or tan with dark spots. They are not dangerous to humans.
Black Widow Spiders
These notoriously dangerous spiders are glossy black with a red or orange hourglass shape on their abdomens. The venom of this pest is poisonous and if a person is bit by a Black Widow they will require immediate medical attention.
Brown Recluse Spiders
Another species of poisonous spider, the Brown Recluse spider is tan or dark brown with a dark violin shape behind their head. A Brown Recluse spider bite is dangerous and requires immediate medical attention.
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